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Esther (Bai Laoshi)

Esther grew up in Hong Kong, China and graduated from the National Taiwan Normal University with a major of teaching English as a Second Language. She taught Chinese, English and Music in an elementary school. In the Bellevue, Washington, she has taught children at a Christian Sunday school children and served as a coordinator of the program since 1998. Her hobbies include playing musical instruments (piano, guitar and flute) and studying foreign languages (currently, she is studying Japanese and Spanish, too!). Through raising her own children and teaching, she has discovered how a little human being can learn so much. Her oldest daughter is now learning English, Chinese and Spanish simultaneously. She believes every child is gifted and one of her passions is to help every child to fully develop his/her potential. She like to do fun things with children, such as singing, reading and making crafts together. Through teaching foreign languages, she hopes to help children enrich their lives, embrace multiculturalism and grow up with confidence under a fun, loving and caring environment.